Wonderland Rabbit Hole


Painting, 36 H x 36 W x 0.5 in

United States


Prints from $100

Substrate: Canvas 

Medium: Mixed Media: Oil, Acrylics, Latex, Oil Crayon, Pastel


Rabbit Hole N°WL2019011

Cheryl Johnson Artist - “Art, specifically painting for me; is a language of my emotions and spirit.  As I experience the incredible beauty of this world, my paintings become the pages of my story. I love the feeling of looking out at the horizon across an open field and viewing an incredible landscape.  Nature continues to be the place I go for inspiration and renewal.” —Cheryl Johnson

Using a visual syntax of layers, opaque and dense colors, translucent layers of paint, Cheryl explores dreamlike landscape scenes. Abstracting elements as she creates glimpses of the ethereal and portals between worlds. By combining shapes with light and form, Johnson’s complex surfaces evoke contemplative energy, drawing viewers into their depth and story.

The “Wonderland Series’ is inspired by the landscape. It is full of wonder, both real and imaginary. You are invited into a place of beauty or magical charm that excites our imagination. It is a space where one is able to see beyond the horizon to a mystical scenic wonderland.

This Wonderland series is inspired by Lewis Carroll's “Alice and Wonderland” book.  Often people who are attracted to this type of art enjoy going to an unfamiliar yet familiar place. Wonderland, in Lewis Carroll’s example, is accessed by an underground passage, and Alice reaches it by traveling down a rabbit hole to a new world.  This inspired the naming of this painting.

“Alice fell very slowly, for she had plenty of time as she went down to look about her, and to wonder what was going to happen next.” Lewis Carroll

Going "down the rabbit hole" has become a common metaphor in popular culture, symbolizing exploring a new world.

Welcome to Wonderland!

Ultramarine Blue, Green, Coral, Blue, Black, Cream, White, Grey, Pink, Abstract, Landscape

Ultramarine Blue, Green, Coral, Blue, Black, Creme, White, Grey, Pink, Abstract, Landscape
